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Sarah Squirrel's  Great Adventure


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Sarah's Great Adventure

Sarah Squirrel

We first meet Sarah Squirrel while she is searching through the leaves on the forest floor for her breakfast one crisp autumn morning.  As you would expect, she is a bright-eyed and bushy-tailed young squirrel who is very curious about the world around her.  She is also a very adventurous squirrel who is eager to go out and see new things and make new friends!  And, she's a very hard-working squirrel, as you will find out when you see her house -- the one she built all by herself.  We also meet her uncle Stanley and cousin Sheila, who live nearby.

Some of Sarah's other friends are out looking for breakfast.  Mr. Robin is very busy looking through the leaves, and a couple of colorful woodpeckers are at work on tree trunks.  The doves are decorating the neighborhood with their beautiful feathers.   One day, Sarah decides to visit her aunt Stephanie, who moved to the city.  The only problem is that Sarah has never been to the city before.  In fact, she has never been outside her own neighborhood.  For Sarah, her journey to the big city will be a Great Adventure!

First she goes to find her cousin Skip, who lives in the big tree by the river, because he knows the way.  He gives her careful directions and she sets out to explore the big, wide world on her way to find Aunt Stephanie. 

As she travels through the countryside she sees many beautiful and friendly creatures, including some she has never seen before.  She stops to see her friends the geese as they have lunch down by the pond.
She has only seen them flying gracefully through the sky overhead before, so she is delighted to see how beautiful they are up close. She has to laugh when she watches them waddling along on their funny big feet.  But when she sees them swimming she finds out that they are just graceful there as they are when they are flying! 

She would like to stay longer, but she has to hurry on her way if she is to get to town and back by sundown.  She says goodbye to the geese and heads out again, making her way out of the forest and over the fields. 

Soon she comes across a family of deer grazing in a field.  They are very beautiful, but they move so quickly that Sarah isn't sure she will be able to get close enough to say hello.  A couple of shy deer stop near the edge of the field to visit with Sarah, though.  They are surprised to meet such a bold and adventurous squirrel, and they wish her well on her journey.

In another field nearby Sarah encounters something very new.  This field has a fence built all around the outside!  Inside, she meets a small herd of cows.  They seem to be very contented.  In fact, they seem to be so contented that Sarah has to agree with her Uncle Stanley, who told her that cows are lazy!

Sarah hurries on her way, and soon comes to another fenced field.  This one is much smaller, and only two animals live there.  Sarah has never seen a horse before, but they seem very kind and become friends after only a few minutes of conversation.  Although she is much too polite to let them know, she thinks they have funny noses!  They are very interested in Sarah's adventure, and they wish her well on her journey.

When she gets to town, she sees many things she has never even heard of!  Lots of cars and trucks and people and dogs and even machines that fly!  All the new sights and sounds are very exciting, but so many things happen at once it can be a little confusing to a young squirrel from the country.  How will she ever find her Aunt Stephanie in a place so busy?



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